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- From: rudiak@garnet.berkeley.edu
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: Mr. FunGus -- Factually impoverished
- Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 00:48:34 GMT
- Organization: University of California, Berkeley
- Lines: 171
- Message-ID: <4q7ims$oeu@agate.berkeley.edu>
- References: <4ovsuv$qju@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <31c4d3d5.8837981@news.primenet.com> <4q3qrp$jup@macondo.dmu.ac.uk> <4q4cse$8qq@agate.berkeley.edu> <4q6ofs$rs@macondo.dmu.ac.uk>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:88279 alt.paranet.ufo:53701 alt.alien.research:26117 sci.skeptic:72517
- moleary@dmu.ac.uk (Mark O'Leary) wrote:
- >In article <4q4cse$8qq@agate.berkeley.edu>,
- > <rudiak@garnet.berkeley.edu> wrote:
- >[snip]
- >>>Pretty central to them, as I recall, was the fact that transporting dry ice
- >>>in an aircraft requires special handling instructions. Even if they lied on
- >>>the transport documents as to what was stored *in* the ice, they'd have to
- >>>tell the plane crew that in an unpressurised plane their effective ceiling
- >>>would be lowered due to CO2 buildup from the cargo, (or that in a pressurised
- >>>plane they'd have even worse problems!). There are routine mechanisms for
- >>>notifying these sort of special handling instructions, and these warnings
- >>>are handed on to the unloading and storage crew at the other end. Any sign
- >>>of these documents?
- >>
- >>We do know of one flight from Roswell to Fort Worth on July 9, 1947 from two of
- >>the crew members (Sgt. Robert Slusher and "Tim") who independently gave
- >>identical stories.
- >The reason to ask for documentation was that such stories are questionable.
- >However, onwards...
- >> The B-29 carried a large crate under heavy armed guard in one of the bomb
- >>bays. The flight was also very unusual in that it flew at only 4000-5000
- >>feet instead of the normal 25,000 feet. "Tim" still had his old flight log
- >>showing the date and time of the flight, but neither man knew what was in
- >>the crate.
- >A low altitude flight might be consistent with an aircraft that had to be
- >kept 'ventilated' to prevent CO2 buildup from dry ice. Does 'Tim' record if
- >he was *instructed* to fly low, and if so, did he ask why? Do weather
- >records show any mundane reasons why he might've kept to a low ceiling, for
- >instance?
- The plane was a B-29. 'Tim' was involved with the preflight checks of the plane
- and observed the loading of the wooden crate from a distance (he wasn't allowed
- to get close). He noted that four armed MP's, all of them officers, were placed
- at each corner of the box inside the bomb bay. 'Tim' wasn't the pilot and
- neither was Slusher, who was the gunner. The only member of the regular crew
- allowed close to the box was the bombadier, Martucci, who was allowed to check
- the security of the load. Martucci was the one who has declined to be
- interviewed, who's old friend was the Fort Worth mortician, and who stated that
- to Slusher and 'Tim' that they were now a part of history. According to Tim,
- before the flight, the crew had all heard rumors of the flying disc crash in the
- desert and that a spaceship with bodies inside had been found on a ranch in the
- area. Martucci told them on the way back that he knew it was the disc and
- remains of the flight crew that they had transported because his friend the
- mortician had greeted the plane.
- As to the weather, Tim specifically recalled that the day was sunny and hot,
- without the usual thunderstorms. The return flight to Roswell, which was
- immediately afterwards, was at the normal 25,000 foot level.
- It would have been necessary for the flight from Roswell to Fort Worth to have
- occurred at low altitude with guards in the bomb bay because the bay wasn't
- pressurized. Whether there was something biological packed in dry ice isn't
- clear from Tim's or Slusher's reports.
- >Why would an armed guard be put with corpses packed in ice,
- >especially if the cargo was supposed to be secret - how better to underline
- >that something special was in the crate? Since the plane was travelling from
- >secure airbase to secure airbase, who were they guarding it *from*?
- Don't ask me to understand the workings of the military mind. Why would officer
- MPs be used to guard the general's furniture?
- In yet another account of what happened, Frank Kaufmann, who claims to have been
- directly involved in the recovery of the craft and bodies, states that the
- actual flight of bodies took place several days earlier, and the flight
- described by Slusher and Tim was merely diversionary.
- > If they
- >trusted the guards, why didnt they trust the equally-military pilots?
- Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. What's the point? Slusher and 'Tim' weren't
- the pilots, in any case. Tim's only relevant comment is that the officer crew
- members went to base operations for flight clearance and briefing. This
- included Martucci. Attempts to check the rest of the crew named by Slusher and
- Tim have been made, but the pilot was killed in a crash 2 years after Roswell.
- And Martucci won't talk.
- >Back
- >to the CO2 buildup again - were the guards in the bomb bay with the case?
- As noted above, yes.
- >Risky, if it did contain a large amount of dry ice...
- How so if the bomb bay was ventilated? If the bodies were prefrozen and
- well-insulated in the box, not much dry ice would be needed to maintain them
- between packing and transport to Fort Worth.
- >And finally, in the
- >chill at 4000ft,
- What chill? This was July in the desert on a hot sunny day. It was probably
- 90+ degrees in the bomb bay. 4000 ft isn't that high.
- >a block of dry ice would be giving off a rather attractive
- >cloud of dense vapour. Did the pilots notice and comment on this curling
- >round their ankles?
- Probably not, since the carbon dioxide vapor is denser than air and sinks rather
- than rises. And the heat probably would have dispersed it very quickly.
- Further, if the bomb bay was sealed from the rest of the cabin, what would they
- have seen? [Perhaps someone can comment on whether the bomb bay could be
- adequately ventilated without being open to the cabin.]
- >[snip]
- >>When the plane returned to Roswell (also carrying Major Marcel, who had been
- >>incommunicado at Fort Worth for the last day), Slusher and Tim said they were
- >>told that the flight carried Gen. Ramey's furniture, and that they were to
- >>forget about it.
- >It's what they were told *before* the flight that counts.
- As noted, only the officers were briefed before the flight. This didn't include
- Slusher or Tim.
- >Or the reason they
- >didnt ask. Pilots as a rule are fussy about what they carry - they have to
- >know what maneuvers they can do with this cargo without risking it blowing
- >up, or dumping acid on their landing gear or whatever.
- We don't have the direct testimony of the officers on board the flight, but we
- can probably assume they were told only what they needed to know, such as they
- were carrying human cargo in the bomb bay and were to fly at low level. From
- Slusher and Tim's statements, it seems apparent that Martucci (an officer)
- wasn't told what was in the crate that he checked. But between the crash
- rumors, the security, and seeing his friend the mortician at Fort Worth,
- however, he put 2 and 2 together and assumed the crate contained the alien
- bodies. That's when he made his comments that they had just made history and
- that the crate contained crash remains and bodies. But he didn't have direct
- knowledge of this.
- >>Other than Tim's flight log, there is no known transport documents for this
- >>flight. Nor are there transport documents for the absolutely known flight of
- >>Marcel the previous day from Roswell to Fort Worth in which he brought crash
- >>debris, and another flight from Fort Worth to Wright Field carrying the same
- >>debris. Nor are their transport documents of yet another acknowledged flight
- >>from Roswell to Fort Worth to Washington D.C. two days before, also carrying
- >>debris.
- >How about non-debris flights in the week before and after these events. Are
- >we looking at a suspicious selective loss of documentation, or just a
- >general loss of half-a-century-old flight records?
- ALL relevant records from this time period seem to be missing. Not just from
- Roswell but from Fort Worth and Wright Field as well. For example, the GAO
- found that the records for the Roswell aviation MP's for 1946 and 1947 were
- missing, and the base communications from 1946-1949 were deliberately destroyed.
- Both would tell us a tremendous amount about what really happened in July 1947.
- >[snip]
- >> There isn't even a piece of military documentation on Gen. Ramey's press
- >>conference in which he displayed a weather balloon for the press.
- >This datum in itself tends to argue against a coverup. Since the press
- >reports prove that the conference took place, then all removing the army
- >records of the event would do is make it *look* as though a clumsy coverup
- >was going on. FOr this one case, at least, it seems mor elikely that the
- >documentation, if there was any, has just gone to the file drawer in the sky
- >for mundane reasons.
- I think the point is not why SOME of the documentation is missing, which might
- be understandable, but why is ALL of it missing?